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Resident Evil – Genesis
Amnesiac Alice (Milla Jovovich) awakens in an abandoned mansion. She soon encounters a group of soldiers and joins their mission to enter "The Hive", a high-security research facility run by the decidedly shady Umbrella Corporation. Their latest project, the T-Virus has been released, turning the staff into zombies and creating a whole range of hostile creatures. Will the team prevail and shut down the facility or will the Hive's AI, The Red Queen, kill them all?
Back in 2002, when Paul W. S. Anderson was still a promising director with some solid films under his belt (including the underappreciated masterpiece EVENT HORIZON), getting him to direct this videogame adaptation after George A. Romero had left the project seemed like a good idea. And in truth, the film is solid horror action entertainment, shot in part in Berlin and Brandenburg. Just skip the sequels, unless you are a die-hard fan of the franchise.
Original title: Resident Evil – Genesis
USA/GB/D 2001, 100 min
Genre: Action, Horror
Director: Paul Anderson
Author: Paul Anderson
Distributor: CONSTANTIN
Cast: Milla Jovovich, Michelle Rodriguez, Eric Mabius
FSK: 16
Release: 21.03.2002
- OV Original version
- OmU Original with German subtitles
- OmeU Original with English subtitles
- OV Original version
- OmU Original with German subtitles
- OmeU Original with English subtitles
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