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OXV: The Manual
Coincidences don’t exist in the world Zac and Marie inhabit. The destiny of each individual is measured by their personal frequency. It is unchangeable and is measured at the end of elementary school - determining the course of their life. ...
Coincidences don’t exist in the world Zac and Marie inhabit. The destiny of each individual is measured by their personal frequency. It is unchangeable and measured at the end of elementary school - determining the course of their life. Marie has ultra-high frequency while Zac’s is extremely low; making it clear that they don’t belong together. If they spend more than a minute together the world’s physical order gets thrown into chaos: accidents happen and objects catch fire or fall from the sky. Despite all this, the two kids feel perpetually attracted to each other. For Marie, as a high-frequency child, it is curiosity, an experiment, whereas it presumably means more to small Zac. Years pass and Marie finds Zac on her footstep one day. He experimented for years with the help of his best friend Theo and now claims to have found a way to balance out their frequencies…
FREQUENCIES combines a love story with smart science-fiction that is rooted in its idea, creating a believable reality without any special effects. Zac and Marie’s world may seem like ours but it, in fact, it is a completely deterministic science-based society. Zac’s discovery threatens the world order and the secret service doesn’t waste time with getting involved. Furthermore, his discovery has side effects that no one was prepared for. What began with such clarity eventually becomes too opaque with an overuse of obscure theoretical physics, big philosophical questions, and magic words. FREQUENCIES is nevertheless one of the more interesting sci-fi thought experiments in recent years.
Translation: Elinor Lewy
Australien/Großbritannien 2014, 104 min
Genre: Love-story, Mystery, Science Fiction
Director: Darren Paul Fisher
Author: Darren Paul Fisher
DOP: James Watson
Montage: Darren Paul Fisher
Distributor: Dropout Cinema
Cast: Daniel Fraser, Eleanor Wyld, Owen Pugh, Dylan Llewellyn, Georgina Minter-Brown
Release: 18.06.2015
- OV Original version
- OmU Original with German subtitles
- OmeU Original with English subtitles
- OV Original version
- OmU Original with German subtitles
- OmeU Original with English subtitles
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