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Movie archive

Desire Will Set You Free

Deutschland 2015 | Drama, Comedy, Love Stories | Yony Leyser | 16

DESIRE WILL YOU SET YOU FREE is a contemporary drift through the city’s queer, poly, and party scenes. Shot on location around Neukölln, Kreuzberg, and Friedrichshain, the film mixes narrative and documentary moments to deliver individual stories ...

The Report

USA 2019 | Drama | Scott Z. Burns | 12

THE REPORT is a dramatization of how one man created the largest paper trail investigation in the history of the U.S. Senate — the 6,000-page Senate Intelligence Committee report on CIA torture.

The Wild Boys

Les garcons sauvages | Frankreich 2017 | Adventure, Drama, Fantasy | Bertrand Mandico | 16

LES GARÇONS SAUVAGES/THE WILD BOYS is a fantastical castaway tale that leaves you marooned on the ever-shifting shoreline of sex and gender.

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